
As often as we can we share about our learning experiences with our students, in addition to templates and resources that we create to facilitate those experiences. In the table on this page we organize those resources into three Innovating Play sections: Routines and Rituals, Curriculum, and Unchained, in addition to a Bonus Resources section and a Learning From Home (remote learning) section. You are welcome to use these resources AND share them forward with colleagues and your PLN. As you share with others, we ask that you please mention that the resource was inspired by or came from Innovating Play. πŸ™‚

Access EVEN MORE Goodies to Play With

1. Follow Our TPT Store

We are sharing our newest resources on our Innovating Play Teachers Pay Teachers store. We encourage you to follow us there, so that you get notified when new items hit our store!

These are the categories that we are adding new resources to. Click on a category image to learn more.

Digital Literacy for Littles Category
Digital Google Apps Activities for Littles Category
Playing with Words Boards Category
Nursery Rhyme Resources Category
Original Class Books Category

2. Subscribe to our Substack!

Interested in our the collaborative experiences happening in our classrooms? Consider subscribing to our Substack.

3. Check Out Our Innovating Play Book

If you appreciate the resources we share, you’re in luck because we have a WHOLE BOOK that contains thoughtfully organized content, a holistic view on the Innovating Play mindset, and over SIXTY resources for you to play with. You can purchase the book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

All resources and blog articles created under the Innovating Play brand are the property of Christine Pinto, Jessica Twomey, and Innovating Play, LLC. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of materials without express and written permission from Christine Pinto or Jessica Twomey is strictly prohibited. Resources offered are for personal use and may NOT be sold by any means. Sharing forward is allowed, provided that full and clear credit is given to Christine Pinto, Jessica Twomey, and Innovating Play, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on innovatingplay.world. Please see our Copyright Policy for more details.

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